Monday, June 30, 2014

Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright

Okay, onto more recent projects!

Been replaying the Ace Attorney series, and felt the overwhelming urge to pick up a hook!  Also got to do a tiny bit of embroidery in his eyebrows and lawyer badge... I'm not really that great at embroidery so it'll have to do.

This'd be Phoenix Wright himself.  The star of the first three games.  His signature look is that gosh darned spikey hair... which is hard to capture with crochet.  I'm terrible with hair in general, but I managed to get something I was satisfied with.  Based it off of some wings patterns I recalled from a couple years ago.  I think.


Now he doesn't actually stand on his own.  Sadly.  Instead I have impaled him with a knitting needle that is propped against the wall.  This is beginning to sound like one of Phoenix's crazy cases...

His arms and legs, however, are pose-able.  I stuffed them with pipe cleaners meaning I could have tons of fun posing him in the same manner as some of his talk sprites!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Pacific Rim: Otachi

Oh wow, it's been a long time since I actually updated this blog.  Though... I haven't done many projects so there hasn't been much to update with!  But I did do a fairly big one late in the summer of last year.  I took on a Kaiju!

When Pacific Rim came out last year I became completely enamored with it.  Just.  I absolutely loved it!  Giant robots... giant monsters... what more could one ask for?

The answer to that is of course, a crochet kaiju!  I chose the kaiju that got the most screentime: Otachi.  She's kind of like a flying-lizard-ninja or something.  Absolutely fab.

Of course there were no patterns to follow at the time so I just... winged it.  ;) It is one of my bigger projects, as I've said before.  I actually did a draft of Otachi before hand resulting in my room being littered with various kaiju parts... much like a certain scientist.

She took quite a while to make.  And physically she's one of my largest amigurumis to date.  While not too complicated she does have a couple tricks.  Toes. Those crocodile scales on her back. Moving joints in her wings.  All a challenge.

But she turned out fantastic!  And fabulously floppy, she's a joy to play around with, and a good travel companion.

I also went out and got some nice yarn for her.  No Red Heart for mama Otachi.  I forget the brand but it was a nice pretty wool. uwu

Now, part of the process of amigurumi is simplifying the design of the intended product.  I can certainly say she's been simplified!  The real otachi has so many spikes and glowy spots... I tried to capture the overall feel with the more prominent ones.  The parts that helped make Otachi's design feel so awesome.

Still... there were sew many parts to so on!  Of course this is probably because of those dang blue spots.  I could of embroidered them on... but I'm not comfortable with my embroidery skills.

She turned out absolutely fantastic!  She's been my pride for almost a year, and I still think she's one of my most daring projects.  Big mama Otachi.